Exercise Tweaks

DESCRIPTION: Tweaks on motive drops for exercise equipment, balancing them and getting rid of the absurd energy drops on FreeTime items.

Updated to include the exercise bike and punching bag.

Yoga: Reduces hourly energy drain from 10 to 0. Fixes incorrect motive limits.

Exercise Machines (treadmill, multipress, etc.): Increases hourly energy drain from 0 to 15.

Basketball: Reduces hourly energy drain from 45 to 15.

Soccer: Reduces hourly energy drain from 75(!) to 15. Increases body skill rate from 100 to 200. Fixes broken fitness delta so soccer will now improve fitness.

Jump Rope: Increases hourly energy drain from 3/5/7 to 5/10/15 for easy/medium/hard.

Exercise Bike: Energy drain reduced from 20 to 15.

Punching Bag: Energy drain increased from 0 to 15.

I've deliberately excluded the obstacle course, radio workout and television workout since they seem fine as is.

LAST UPDATE: September 8, 2010

REQUIRED EPs: None. If you don't have an EP for one of the items above, it will simply be ignored.

COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

CJ-ExerciseTweaks.zip1.08 KB