Exercise Activities
Soccer Quit Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Sun, 2011-09-11 14:42DESCRIPTION: Similar to Basketball Quit Fix, sims won't insist on walking all the way over to the soccer net if you cancel the command.
Update to to fix jump bug introduced by last update.
Fewer Soccer Pests
Submitted by Cyjon on Sun, 2011-09-04 09:25DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer autonomously try to pull other sims into soccer games if the target sim has a command queued.
Updated to add Loop Fixes type fix to keep people from constantly quitting and restarting.
No Fat Cam
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2011-04-13 11:52DESCRIPTION: No PIP when sims get fit or fat.
No Weightlifting Weenies
Submitted by Cyjon on Sat, 2010-11-06 16:30DESCRIPTION: Fixes typical EA stupidity which makes active sims MORE likely to quit using exercise equipment than lazy sims.
Exercise Tweaks
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2010-10-06 12:45DESCRIPTION: Tweaks on motive drops for exercise equipment, balancing them and getting rid of the absurd energy drops on FreeTime items.
Updated to include the exercise bike and punching bag.
Fitness Delta Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2010-10-06 12:37DESCRIPTION: Fixes a bug which could allow a sim's fitness to increase without limit or to stop at an arbitrary level.
Yoga/Meditation Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2010-09-08 11:20DESCRIPTION: Yoga and meditation commands will no longer drop out of the queue if the sim is not currently selected.
Jump Rope Fitness
Submitted by Cyjon on Sat, 2010-09-04 10:57DESCRIPTION: Jumping rope now builds fitness. The rate is the same as a radio workout.
No Auto Exercise Bike
Submitted by Cyjon on Fri, 2009-08-28 11:15DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer use the exercise bike autonomously. Players can still direct sims to use it.
LAST UPDATE: July 22, 2009
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from FreeTime through Apartment Life.