Free Time

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This mod works with Free Time.

Night Calling

DESCRIPTION: Allows a larger variety of sims to be called at night.

Updated to add high level witches and people with night jobs. Newest version can be used as far back as University.

Stuff Your Fat Face

DESCRIPTION: The "Stuff Face" fridge interaction adds fat points regardless of the sim's hunger level.

No Coffee Energy Failure

DESCRIPTION: Sims won't stop drinking coffee, espresso or hot chocolate due to sleepiness.

No Hobby Animations

DESCRIPTION: Gets rid of all the hobby idle animations like dance stretches or stomach rubbing.

Updated to kill the book walk.

Smarter Privacy

DESCRIPTION: Sims are smarter about bathroom and woohoo privacy, ignoring unshooable or irrelevant sims.

Updated to ignore spectral servant.

No Work Hats

DESCRIPTION: Sims will automatically take off the Noodlesoother, Cool Shades and Thinking Cap before going to work or school.

Faster Zits

DESCRIPTION: Teens develop acne in half the time. This scales the pimple timeline to fit the shorter lifespan of 8 Day Teens

Education Bookcase Fix

DESCRIPTION: Sims studying skills from the Education bookcase will stick with the activity longer.

Updated to work as far back as Seasons.

No Auto Snowmen

DESCRIPTION: Prevents autonomous snowman building.

No Spoiled Food

DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from even considering eating spoiled food unless they are very sloppy or very hungry.

Updated with a second version which allows zombies to eat spoiled food.

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