Free Time

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This mod works with Free Time.

No Engine Weenies

DESCRIPTION: Sims won't quit working on the restorable car if the engine blows.

Cyjon's Badge Scholarships

DESCRIPTION: An update of jfade's College Scholarships for Talent Badges for compatibility with Apartment Life.

Update to add witchcraft scholarship. This new version requires Smarter EP Check.

Yowling Cat Fix

DESCRIPTION: Fixes bug where scolding cats for yowling made them MORE likely to yowl.

Fewer Soccer Pests

DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer autonomously try to pull other sims into soccer games if the target sim has a command queued.

Updated to add Loop Fixes type fix to keep people from constantly quitting and restarting.

Peace of Mind Fix

DESCRIPTION: Using the genie to wish for Peace of Mind no longer also gives credit for maximizing a business.

Updated with important fix for players with FreeTime who are using Fragile Permaplat.

Better Roach Stomp

DESCRIPTION: Stomping roaches now has a 50-100% chance of killing them, based on the sim's Body.

Electrocution Fix

DESCRIPTION: Fixes motive check errors in determining death by electrocution, and correctly accounts for servo and plantsim motives.

Cancel Paper

DESCRIPTION: After canceling actions with the newspaper, sims will put the paper down immediately rather than reading it briefly.

Updated for better compatibility with Put Paper Down.

Put Paper Down

DESCRIPTION: Sims will be smarter about where to put down newspapers when finished with them.

Update so sims put newspaper on table rather than the floor when canceling newspaper commands.

Argue Social Fix

DESCRIPTION: Fixes reversed social values so mean sims enjoy arguments more than nice sims. Arguing always provides Social boost for instigating sim.

Updated so argue always lowers STR and LTR rather than sometimes raising it.

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