Free Time

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This mod works with Free Time.

No Commercial Recharge

DESCRIPTION: Prevents servos from recharging on commercial lots. They will leave when their batteries are low.

Updated to track down another source of recharge commands.

Partial Financial Advice

DESCRIPTION: Sims offering financial advice on the computer will be paid for the partial hour if the command is canceled.

Customer Cleanup

DESCRIPTION: Automatically removes owner's family members from customer list.

Sibling Torment

DESCRIPTION: Noogie and Torment are negative actions which reduce relationship, but raise the instigator's Social.

Spy Microphone Fixes

DESCRIPTION: Several bug fixes and tweaks of the Audio Augmenter Earpiece (the Intelligence career reward).

Bisexual Influence Fix

DESCRIPTION: Stops influence system from forcing bisexual sims to choose a gender preference.

Influence Teen Adult

DESCRIPTION: Makes it possible to influence teens to have romantic actions with adults and vice versa.

No Prison Phone

DESCRIPTION: Sims with the Simlogical Electronic Prisoner Tag in inventory won't appear on phone call or party guest lists.

No Prison Chat

DESCRIPTION: Sims with the Simlogical Electronic Prisoner Tag in inventory won't appear on chat lists.

Runaway Skills

DESCRIPTION: Runaway teens no longer get their skills randomized, potentially lowering high skill levels. Instead they slowly build skills during the time away from the house.

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