Free Time

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This mod works with Free Time.

Vampire Walkbys

DESCRIPTION: Creates more nighttime walkbys and chooses sims other than just werewolves.

Updated to fix a bug that caused errors in pre-Pets games. New version requires Smarter EP Check.

DJ Booth Fixes

DESCRIPTION: Fixes several bugs with DJ booths.

No Effects

DESCRIPTION: Removes several of the game's visual effects such as floating notes by stereos.

Updated to tweak the DJ booth.

Walk This Way

DESCRIPTION: Sims will always walk rather than run when given the "Go Here" command.

Stop Kissing Me

DESCRIPTION: Sims will no longer kiss when greeting or saying goodbye unless the relationship is crush or love.

Visitors Behave

DESCRIPTION: Restricts some of the more absurd visitor behaviors, most of which were introduced in FreeTime

Update to fix an EA bug with distance greeting.

More Composting

DESCRIPTION: Causes anyone headed for the outdoor trash can to head for an available compost bin instead. This works for playable sims, maids, or anyone else.

Update to fix a bug introduced by my last bug fix.

Faster Restocking Badge

DESCRIPTION: Restocking badge is earned twice as fast

No Hyperactive Children

DESCRIPTION: Children will no longer be in run mode after aging up from toddler.

No Alumni Walkbys

DESCRIPTION: Prevents University NPCs (professors, cheerleaders, etc.) from continuing to walk by university housing after they've been moved into playable houses.

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