Free Time

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This mod works with Free Time.

Less Caffeine

DESCRIPTION: Sims won't autonomously drink coffee, espresso, or hot cocoa if they should be sleeping.

Update to prevent looping--grab a cup, take one sip, put cup down, take another cup, etc.

No Food Theft

DESCRIPTION: Sims can no longer attempt to steal leftovers or buffet dishes from other sims.

Less Naked Freakout

DESCRIPTION: Sims will no longer freak out when seeing their lovers naked.

Relationship Decay Fix

DESCRIPTION: Fixes bug which causes game to error out when calculating the 4 pm relationship decay on very large families.

Updated with a version that seems to work better.

Less Jealousy

DESCRIPTION: Changes the rules for jealousy.

Less Servo Sleeping

DESCRIPTION: Drastically lowers the sleep threshold so that servos are far less likely to sleep after woohoo.

Updated for compatibility with More Sleep. Update requires Smarter EP Check.

Visitors Leave

DESCRIPTION: Visitors will quit their actions when it is time to leave rather than sitting there playing chess or pinball for hours while the family sleeps.

Update to prevent chasing off visitors who are sleeping or who are already leaving.

Bigger Bills

DESCRIPTION: Bills come more often and are much larger.

Update to fix a bug in apartment billing.

Fragile Permaplat

DESCRIPTION: Fears can cause sims to lose permaplat status.

Update to correctly break Lifetime Aspiration permaplat.

LTA Platinum Fix

DESCRIPTION: Causes aspiration bar to fill immediately when earning permaplat status for a full LTA bar. This mod is necessary only if you are using Fragile Permaplat without also using Slower LTA Gain.

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