NPCs and Townies
No Butler NPC Harassment
Submitted by Cyjon on Fri, 2013-07-26 21:27DESCRIPTION: The butler will no longer dismiss NPCs who have been invited over socially.
Updated to make the page actually visible to visitors.
Professor Schmooze Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Thu, 2012-04-19 17:54DESCRIPTION: Fixes Drama professors so they can be schmoozed for better grades just like other professors.
Digging Is Gardening
Submitted by Cyjon on Thu, 2012-04-19 17:49DESCRIPTION: Holes in the yard will be filled by gardeners rather than maids.
Townie Job Blocker
Submitted by Cyjon on Fri, 2012-04-13 22:13DESCRIPTION: You can give townies, downtownies and social group sims the Job Stopinator to prevent them from getting jobs.
Townie Job Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Thu, 2012-04-05 11:21DESCRIPTION: Allows townies to have any job rather than being restricted to jobs from the base game.
Updated to also fix teens and elders, and to use a more general routine that will allow townies to get custom jobs.
Call NPCs
Submitted by Cyjon on Sun, 2012-03-25 19:59DESCRIPTION: Reverts a "fix" made in FreeTime that prevents sims from calling almost all NPCs.
Updated to add Bon Voyage masseurs to the callable list.
Townie Enthusiasm Seeder
Submitted by Cyjon on Tue, 2012-02-28 15:55DESCRIPTION: Seeds townies with initial enthusiasm. This mod is necessary only if you create your own townies in CAS.
Better Butler Meals
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2011-11-02 21:35DESCRIPTION: Butlers will stop slacking off by cooking crap like ramen and TV dinners.
Butler Asks To Fire
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2011-11-02 20:25DESCRIPTION: Butler will always ask before firing other staff.
Update so butler will ask only once, not once per NPC.
No Alumni Walkbys
Submitted by Cyjon on Tue, 2011-09-27 21:03DESCRIPTION: Prevents University NPCs (professors, cheerleaders, etc.) from continuing to walk by university housing after they've been moved into playable houses.