Help Homework Owner

DESCRIPTION: Cleans up the clutter on homework menus.

Updated to reduce clutter on teacher menu as well.

Only the owner's name will appear on the homework menu. So if you have two kids, Bart and Lisa, and you click on Bart's homework only "Help Bart with Homework" will appear, not "Help Lisa with Homework". Lisa has to click on her own homework to ask for help.

Better Lightning Rods

DESCRIPTION: Improves the effectiveness of lightning rods and allows other items to act as lightning rods.

In the core game, there is a 50% of a lightning strike hitting a lightning rod. That chance is increased by 4% per additional rod up to 70% maximum.

In my version, the first rod gives 50%, the second +25%, the third +12% and so on with each one adding half the bonus of the one before. Maximum protection is 99% with 7 rods.

Random Chance Cards

DESCRIPTION: All chance card choices have a flat 50% chance of being right. If a sim has the hunch benefit from FT either answer has an 80% chance of being right.

Under the standard system, each card has basically a "right" answer that has a high chance of giving a positive result. Once you know the right answers it substantially reduces the randomness of chance cards. This mod is intended to restore that randomness making sims' lives less predictable.

This mod also removes the 1% chance that BOTH answers will give negative results.

More Customers

DESCRIPTION: Smooths out the wildly random customer populations that made it nearly impossible to run profitable businesses during the night.

LAST UPDATE: November 5, 2008

REQUIRED EPs: Open For Business

COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from Open For Business through Apartment Life.

No Refrigerator Play

DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from swinging on refrigerator doors

LAST UPDATE: December 6, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

Buyable Electronics

DESCRIPTION: Allows the cell phone, handheld game, and MP3 player to be purchased in Buy Mode (Electronics/Misc). They can be placed in stores, 6 per shelf.

Updated to allow buying electronics on business lots.

Includes an optional second mod that allows electronics purchased in this manner to satisfy wants. I made it separate because this part is more likely to conflict with other mods. Both mods are in the zip file.

LAST UPDATE: October 16, 2008

REQUIRED EPs: University

Teaching Fix

DESCRIPTION: Teaching commands won't be wiped out by other commands in the queue. This affects both teaching on career objects and helping kids with their homework.

LAST UPDATE: November 2, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No NPC Stay Over

DESCRIPTION: NPCs will no longer ask to hang out after work if they are your friends. It's not worth boffing the maid if she's going to be all clingy about it :)

LAST UPDATE: September 13, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No Formal Piano

DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer change to formalwear when playing the piano or violin in The Zone.

There are two versions here. -Servo affects only servos (I just hate that rubber mask and it's the reason I wrote this mod) and non-servos will still change to formalwear. -Everyone prevents any sim from changing to formalwear when playing. Install only one.

LAST UPDATE: November 2, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from FreeTime through Apartment Life.

No Auto Turn Off TV

DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from turning off the TV autonomously.

There is actually code that is supposed to prevent sims from turning off TVs if people are watching but it doesn't seem to work so I finally just killed the action entirely.

LAST UPDATE: October 12, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

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