Open for Business

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This mod works with Open for Business

Coffins for Vampires

DESCRIPTION: Non-vampire sims will not autonomously sleep in coffins. They can still be directed to do so. Pescado's sleepclock will still send sims to coffins.

LAST UPDATE: December 21, 2008

REQUIRED EPs: Nightlife

COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from Nightlife through Apartment Life.

Resurrect-O-Nomitron Mark 2

DESCRIPTION: This object is a version of the Resurrect-O-Nomitron available in the Buy catalog for the bargain price of 10,000 simoleons. The old Resurrect-O-Nomitron is still available as a Paranormal reward.

Pool Ladder Autonomy

DESCRIPTION: Sims will autonomously use ladders to get into the pool so you don't always need to have a diving board.

LAST UPDATE: December 14, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No Alien Sexism

DESCRIPTION: Allows both female and male abductees to get pregnant from alien probing.

Blue Fangs Fix - Version 3

DESCRIPTION: Fixes the flashing blue fangs that adult and YA male vampires get.

Updated with a third version of the fix - this time for sure!

WHICH VERSION? There are three mods attached, each using a different approach to the problem. Install only one of these. I'd suggest starting with Version 3 but it doesn't really matter which one you try first.

Version 1 worked for me in my Seasons game with multiple vampires but didn't work in FreeTime.

No Townie Runaways

DESCRIPTION: Teens can no longer run away from homes they don't actually live in.

Any selectable teen can run away from home if they have bad/no relationships with everyone in the house. This can be annoying if you have made a visiting teen selectable for some reason, causing them to run away even though they don't live there. With this mod only teens who belong to the current household can run away.

LAST UPDATE: December 16, 2008


Trim Inaccessible Bushes

DESCRIPTION: Allows sims to trim bushes even if they can't reach them.

Inspired by Water Inaccessible Flowers by dickhurt. Get both for full gardening goodness.

LAST UPDATE: December 16, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

Put Book Down

DESCRIPTION: Sims will put books away only in the same room. Sloppy sims won't always use a table if a bookcase is closer.

I no longer use this mod, preferring to use Always Use Bookshelf. You can't use both so pick one based on your preferred sim behavior.

LAST UPDATE: November 23, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

Help Homework Owner

DESCRIPTION: Cleans up the clutter on homework menus.

Updated to reduce clutter on teacher menu as well.

Only the owner's name will appear on the homework menu. So if you have two kids, Bart and Lisa, and you click on Bart's homework only "Help Bart with Homework" will appear, not "Help Lisa with Homework". Lisa has to click on her own homework to ask for help.

Random Chance Cards

DESCRIPTION: All chance card choices have a flat 50% chance of being right. If a sim has the hunch benefit from FT either answer has an 80% chance of being right.

Under the standard system, each card has basically a "right" answer that has a high chance of giving a positive result. Once you know the right answers it substantially reduces the randomness of chance cards. This mod is intended to restore that randomness making sims' lives less predictable.

This mod also removes the 1% chance that BOTH answers will give negative results.

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