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Fewer Dirty Jokes
Submitted by Cyjon on Mon, 2008-03-24 18:41DESCRIPTION: Only playful or outgoing sims will autonomously tell dirty jokes. Player can still direct sims to tell dirty jokes if the other social tests succeed (such as relationship score).
LAST UPDATE: March 22, 2008
KNOWN CONFLICTS: Social Sanity Fix by twojeffs at Simbology. His mod does basically the same thing but sets the personality limits higher and looks at a couple of other things.
Fewer Fires
Submitted by Cyjon on Mon, 2008-03-24 18:38DESCRIPTION: Creates a flat 1% chance of a fire when cooking, regardless of the difficulty of the food. Has the side effect that burning food (without starting a fire) is slightly more common.
LAST UPDATE: March 22, 2008
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.
Revised Majors
Submitted by Cyjon on Sat, 2008-03-22 13:05DESCRIPTION: All the university majors have been revised so that they are actually relevant to careers. This package is different than my revised majors posted on Mod The Sims as this mod include the Seasons and Free Time careers.
More details are in the included text file.
This mod works fine with the existing semester system but works even better with my Semester Changes.
LAST UPDATE: July 11, 2007
REQUIRED EPs: University
No Auto Turn Off Computer
Submitted by Cyjon on Sat, 2008-03-22 12:27DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from turning off computers on their own. Player can still direct sims to do so.
LAST UPDATE: March 20, 2008
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.
No Auto Pillow Fights
Submitted by Cyjon on Sat, 2008-03-22 12:23DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from starting pillow fights on their own. Player can still initiate them.
LAST UPDATE: March 20, 2008
REQUIRED EPs: University
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from University through Apartment Life.
Biotech Fix
Submitted by Cyjon on Wed, 2008-03-19 17:54DESCRIPTION: Makes the biotech station train logic continuously rather than producing medicine that is bugged so doesn't cure sickness anyhow. Sims can use it for hours just like other training objects. It will produce a vial of medicine at the end, but it will be junk medicine that can only be disposed of. Never produces medicine that will make sims sick.
Includes the hobby enthusiasm from Free Time but can also be used with anything back to the base game.
LAST UPDATE: March 19, 2008
No Date Age Limit
Submitted by Cyjon on Tue, 2008-03-18 17:37DESCRIPTION: Allows teens to date adults and elders. Requires Woohoo Teens. I have no idea if this is compatible (or even needed) with Inteeminator.
No Email
Submitted by Cyjon on Tue, 2008-03-18 17:34DESCRIPTION: Completely removes email commands (send and check) from computers. This eliminate the frequent "doesn't have email" messages generated by sims checking autonomously, and it clears the cluttered computer menu of two useless entries. Seriously, does anyone actually use email in this game?
LAST UPDATE: March 18, 2008
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.
No Wash Clean Hands
Submitted by Cyjon on Mon, 2008-03-17 14:58DESCRIPTION: Designed specifically to fix an annoyance when using both Bathroom Uses You from MATY and Always Flush Toilet/Wash Hands from Simbology. Sims no longer wash their hands after a shower.
LAST UPDATE: March 17,2008
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.
No Smells Yummy
Submitted by Cyjon on Mon, 2008-03-17 14:51DESCRIPTION: Prevents the "smells yummy" action
LAST UPDATE: March 17, 2008
COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.