No Visitor Chores

DESCRIPTION: Prevents visitors from doing chores around your house. Doesn't prevent you from influencing visitors to work.

Updated to add cleaning pet dishes, filling holes and raking leaves.

Apartment Undies

DESCRIPTION: Apartment dwellers can now wander the common areas in their underwear.

Less Watering

DESCRIPTION: Prevents sims from watering flowers or garden plants if the action would cause overwatering and prevents visitors from watering at all. Affects both autonomous and user-directed actions.

Updated for Apartment Life.

Cheaper Restaurant Guides

DESCRIPTION: Significantly reduces payout for restaurant guides.

No Auto Jump On Couch

DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer autonomously jump on the couch.

Get Off Your Ass!

DESCRIPTION: Sims are much less likely to just sit around doing nothing.

Less Primping

DESCRIPTION: Sims will no longer autonomously do the Primp action if they have high hygiene (since it doesn't help), low hygiene (since they should be showering) or are vampires (since it hurts them).

Teen Adult Privacy Fix

DESCRIPTION: Teen and adult sims no longer chase each other out of the bathroom if they have crush/love for each other.

Townie Apartment Residents

DESCRIPTION: Apartment neighbors and roommates will be chosen from the townie pool rather than social groups.

Bigger Families

DESCRIPTION: Allows an unlimited number of sims on the lot. Yeah I know there are a zillion mods like this. Well, this is mine.

Updated to correctly process pet pregnancies in large houses.

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