Apartment Life

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Werewolf Personality

DESCRIPTION: Rather than continuously changing personality forever, giving all werewolves the same personality and making my Personalit-O-Nomitron useless, this changes personality only through the first 20 transformations. Transformations count only when the werewolf is a playable character so transforms when visiting other sims won't adjust personality.

No Influence Instant Meals

DESCRIPTION: When you influence a sim to make a meal, the target will actually make something and not just pull out instant meals.

Unlike my version posted for Seasons, this one actually *ahem* works.

KNOWN ISSUES: If you influence someone with cooking skill <3 at suppertime in a place with no stove, nothing happens (if running in debug mode you get an error). This is because instant meal is the only option and by excluding them the game gets confused. I'm too lazy to fix it so don't do that.

LAST UPDATE: April 3, 2008

No Chair Shooing

DESCRIPTION: This mod lowers the priority of the "move" command directed at sims blocking chairs from being scooted out. The move command will now clear autonomous actions but not mess with user-directed commands. Among other things, this allows sims to "wait for food" without messing up meal service.

LAST UPDATE: April 6, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No Pet Greeting

DESCRIPTION: Prevents pets from borking their command queues to go bark at the mailman.

LAST UPDATE: April 3, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from Pets through Apartment Life.

More Dishes

DESCRIPTION: Sims pick up more dishes when clearing the table.

No Podium Play

DESCRIPTION: Prevents kids from autonomously playing with politics and law podiums. Player can still direct kids to do so if the sound of children burping into microphones is desired.

LAST UPDATE: April 2, 2007

REQUIRED EPs: None (even though this affects the law podium, it doesn't require Seasons)

COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No Auto Read to Me

DESCRIPTION: Prevents kids from constantly pestering their parents to be read to. Player can still give the order directly.

LAST UPDATE: April 1, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

Smart Milk Fix

DESCRIPTION: Fixes the bug where toddlers keep the learning bonus from smart milk after the milk wears off. Won't help already-stuck sims. Either wait for them to outgrow it (I believe it resets when they turn teen) or use Pescado's Lot Debugger.

LAST UPDATE: March 29, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from the base game through Apartment Life.

No Auto Finger Wiggle

DESCRIPTION: Sims no longer will do the finger-wiggle game which inevitably ends in them getting hurt. Cats won't ask for it either. Sadistic players can still direct a sim to do it.

This also prevents cats from asking to be thrown in the air. Compliments twojeff's No Pet Obsession which prevents sims from autonomously throwing cats, but doesn't prevent the cats from asking for it.

LAST UPDATE: March 29, 2008


No Pet Challenge

DESCRIPTION: Pets no longer challenge each other over the food bowl.

LAST UPDATE: March 26, 2008


COMPATIBLE EPs: All configurations from Pets through Apartment Life.

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