Apartment Life

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DESCRIPTION: Sims on the chat list will tend towards a FIFO (First In, First Out) protocol. In other words, sims who have been in the chat room for a long time will be more likely to leave than new log ins.

Child Computer Chat

DESCRIPTION: Computer chat menu shows both the child list and the teen+ list.

No Community Stock Market

DESCRIPTION: Sims who have the Investing aspiration benefit will no longer get stock market results while on community lots.

Fewer Lightning Fires

DESCRIPTION: When struck by lightning, tree fire chance reduced from 30% to 5% and other object fires reduced from 15% to 5%.

No Outerwear Spin

DESCRIPTION: Sims instantly change in and out of outerwear rather than spinning and causing a traffic jam in the doorway. Other clothing changes still use the spin.

Updated to fix an EA bug regarding carried toddlers.

Jump Rope Fitness

DESCRIPTION: Jumping rope now builds fitness. The rate is the same as a radio workout.

Make 5 Reagents

DESCRIPTION: Witches automatically make reagents in batches of five rather than one at a time.

Faster Reagents

DESCRIPTION: Witches make reagents in half the time.

No Neutral Spell Alignment Shift

DESCRIPTION: Neutral spells such as Cleanius Corpus and Creatum Nutrimens won't cause any alignment shift

No Stinky Dancing

DESCRIPTION: Greatly reduces the ridiculous hygiene drain caused by smustle, goofy dance, slap dance and hula. Slightly reduces the energy drain as well.

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