Getting SimPE To Recognize Smarter EP Check
This step is optional, but strongly recommended. Without it, you are working in the dark.
The problem is Smarter EP Check adds a new global BHAV, but SimPE doesn't know it exists. That means when you use the new BHAV, it looks like this:
That's not very helpful. If you accidentally enter Opcode 880 instead of 808, you won't know until the mod throws errors in the game. The good news is you can tell SimPE about this new global routine. From the menu select Extra > Preferences.
Click on "File Table" on the left side of the preferences screen, and then on "add" at the bottom to get the file dialog.
Click on "Load File..." and navigate to where you have Smarter EP Check stored. You can use it directly from the Downloads directory. Click OK.
Smarter EP Check is now listed at the top of the file list. Ignore the extra slash at the end - SimPE will take that out. Click on the check box next to the file name to select it, and then click on "Reload" in the upper right hand corner of the dialog. This step takes a while because SimPE has to reload all the packages, so it's like restarting the program. When it is finished click OK. SimPE now shows the correct command.
The instruction panel shows the parameter designations and the EP constant label.
Smarter EP Check even shows up on the list of globals.
Unfortunately, SimPE has the annoying habit of not always loading the new x10B constant labels. When that happens, you can either select Tools/PJSE/Refresh File Table or click the RFT button (you can see it on the second to last screenshot above). Sometimes I have to do this 2-3 times. If I ever figure out a more permanent way, I'll post it here.
Now that SimPE recognizes it, you are ready to learn how to use Smarter EP Check.